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Aeropress coffee maker + Travel bag.
The revolution in coffee making. Take it wherever you want!
AeroPress is a well-known filter coffee machine with which you can make 1 to 3 cups. It is the result of combining filter paper with a French style press. Its operation is simple, since its design allows you to make an exceptional coffee using the pressure exerted by the air. This means that in a very short period of time we can obtain a coffee with a large amount of oils, minimizing the amount of sedimentation.
Its size makes it very usable daily and easily transportable to any place where we want to make our coffee.
It has a modern design, it came onto the market in 2006 and has achieved great international renown . It is made of high quality plastics (without BPA).
Using the AeroPress is very simple , you just have to put the coffee inside it and pour water at a high temperature for around 15 seconds (this time is only an average, since it depends on the personal taste of the person who is make the coffee) so that everything is mixed in the best way. As a final colophon, it only remains to use the press (which is manual), to get the final result.
This resulting coffee largely depends on the pressure that is exerted on the dam, since depending on it, we can vary the amount of liquid and its power. Apart from this factor there are also many others, such as grinding or time, which makes us be able to obtain a coffee to our liking, being able to control the entire process of making it. Each person can have their own method of making coffee with this coffee maker .
In our store you can also find the filters designed exclusively for this coffee maker, with which you can get the most out of it.
For all the above, the AeroPress is a fantastic option if you want to purchase a filter coffee machine that offers all these advantages described above at an exceptional price. Also from complementosdelcafe we offer spare parts in case you need them.
This product includes:
- AeroPress
- Remover
- Dispenser
- Paper filters (350 units)
- Filter holder
- Funnel
- Travel bag