Many times we are so busy talking about how to make good coffee that we forget that the king of coffee shops and houses is café con leche .
Today we We are going to focus on two elements related to coffee that are usually less talked about and analyzed, such as milk and sugar.
And it is not a trivial matter since really both milk and sugar add their own flavor and make us enjoy and love daily coffee.
But there are endless occasions when customers ask us for coffee to be boiling, but ... where does this custom that affects the taste of coffee with milk?
We can all remember some of our elders who, unfazed, poured coffee into their mouths that would cause burns of a certain depth on other lips. And it is that before the widespread arrival of pasteurization, the ideal was to boil the milk to avoid intoxication, hence the custom that undoubtedly passes from parents to children or even from grandparents to children. Without going any further, my grandmother was one of them, in those days when the microwave was a modern appliance, she heated the milk (and the glass) that she took as if it were ice cream and that anyone just touching it burned her fingers , I'm not telling you to put it in your mouth.
We comment on this, since the temperature drastically affects its flavor, and from 70º the proteins in milk begin to get lost, to burn, losing the natural sweetness of it.
Therefore, taking the milk beyond this temperature will make the milk more bitter and the presence of sugar will be even more necessary.
Our recommendation is to heat the milk until you cannot keep your fingers in the milk pot, or if you use the microwave, gradually heat it up to the correct temperature (60-70º). < / p>
As you can see, the temperature at which you heat the milk has a direct relationship with the amount of sugar that your coffee will need. If you overdo the temperature you will have to add more sugar.
This does not mean that nobody like you knows how you like coffee, and in that strip of flavor you are the expert, therefore our recommendation is that little by little you introduce changes to check if the coffee is like more or less than before with these small changes.
Sugar is obviously a sweetener and it undoubtedly masks the possible nuances of good coffee, which is why baristas will always prefer that you try coffee without sugar, I see this path that avoids adding sugar to coffee as a small challenge to learn more about this drink.
If you do not plan to stop adding something that sweetens your coffee, I invite you to try it the different types of sugar, brown, white, you can try with honey, vanilla, hazelnut syrups, ... that will make coffee a perfect cocktail.
In short, heating the milk a lot will make it lose its sweetness and with a lot of sweetener it will be more difficult to appreciate the nuances of a Good coffee, but this will always be at the discretion of each palate.